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Project Nada Women In Black Snowboard Peace Camp News, Updates and Job Opportunities
Project Nada Women In Black Snowboard Peace Camp News, Updates, Job Opportunities
 Sljeme/Igman 2006
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 Watch a video of a kid whose life was changed by  a similar program

Riding Raccoons
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Future Shredders
Those who were involved in violence whether as victims or as perpetrators are likely to project their experiences of violence on their families, and their children are likely to continue the violent behavior, making it possible for history to continuously repeat itself. Despite of valiant effort by numerous local and international organizations, so far there was very little being done in the post-Yugoslav societies on conflict resolution among the gender/age group most likely to perpetrate future atrocities. This program is specifically designed to work with victimized youth that do not respond well to more traditional conflict transformation approaches.

  RACCOON, Inc., (map and driving directions)
43-32 22nd Street, Suite (buzzer) 301 in Long Island City, between 43th and 44th Avenue
Take or subway to 23rd Street, Ely Avenue