- Madrid March 11th, 2004 Press Release
- Statement: One year after September 11th, 2001
- Address to the Security Council of the
United Nations Gila Svirsky, Women in Black and Coalition of Women
for Peace 23 October 2002.
- On the Streets of Israel and New York
From: Gila Svirsky
Sent: Tue, October 29, 2002 10:15 AM
- The Women in Black Art Project at the United
Nations in solidarity with all people seeking peaceful solutions to
disputes at interpersonal, intercommunity and international levels.
- FBI Questions Pacifist Group Women In Black:
A Roundtable With Members From Berkeley To New York To Jerusalem (real
audio)-from Democracy
Now 10/10/01
- Women in Black Stand Silent, Oppose War, Reprisal
By Cynthia L. Cooper -WomensEnews
- Women in Black, an International Network of
Women Opposed to War and Militarism
- Report On The Tenth International Conference
Of Women"s Solidarity Against War / The Network Of Women In Black Novi
Sad 2001
- Women solidarity against war - The end of
the armed violence in Macedonia
20 years of the women peace campus Greenham Common
- The movement Women in Black is suggested for
the Nobel Peace Prize
- The
Millennium Peace Prize for Women - in 2001 Awarded to Women In Black
- acceptance speech by Stasa Zajovic
- June 8, 2001-Women In Black Solidarity
Vigil to call for an end to the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank
and Gaza
- June 2001 - International Gay Pride
- July 20, 2000 - Serbia: Violence
Against Students Escalates
- March 31, 2000 - Trials In Serbia
- Women-Burning Under Taliban Rule -by RAWA
- We Stand For Peace With All The Mothers, And
All The Others, Who Stand To Protest Families Lost To War And Official
- Notes from the trip to Macedonia: Feminists in
the refugee camps
- Message from East Timor
- Stop The Escalation Of War In The North Caucasus!
Initiating Group "Common Action"
- Let the women talk! Let the women act!
-appeal from Bat Shalom
- Police Raid On Student Protest In Belgrade
-Report from the Ad Hoc Coalition for the Women's Political Rights