Presentation Letter


After our meeting in Florence on October 26/27th, we propose again, with some adjustments, the draft for the themes of the International Meeting that will take place in Italy in Summer 2003.

The following themes result from the discussions carried on, at different levels, in the network of the Italian WiB. We therefore start from us, from what seemed more meaningful and problematic to us. Even though we are aware of the partiality of the contents, we rely on the contribution of all to amplify and define them better. We have asked ourselves who are we today, what are our present difficulties and contradictions, what are the elaborations, the needs of in depth reflection, the perspectivess of the movement of which we are part. We ask all our friends in the Italian and international network to communicate their observations by the end of January 2003, so that we can then proceed to define the Summer Meeting. Program.

The contradictions and difficulties concern especially our relations:

  • with the women living in places and times of conflict, relations in an emergency situation, sometimes asymmetrical and not equal, that perhaps satisfy our need of conveying political solidarity and material aid, but require a re-reading and re-visiting;
  • with the women in places of conflict after the end of a fighting war and when the media reflectors have turned elsewhere, during what we call “the post-war”;
  • with the women, and not only women, of the places in which we live; we find it difficult to establish relations with other women’s groups and with the mixed movements, maintaining our specificity and recognizing and respecting our differences....
The “difficult places” which have constellated our roads in these last years are emblematic pieces of a global picture that changes and that we want to know and understand in order not to be entrapped in a one-sided and “short-sighted”, however tragic, view of the world in which we live; these are the main subjects we propose for reflection and elaboration:

  • The permanent “pre-emptive” war, as a necessary element of world domination, within the horizon of capitalistic liberalism, the prevailing economical model on a planetary scale;

    • the resulting rearmament, the apparent increase of military expenses, a trend to be found in different countries, together with the reduction of the welfare in relation to health, social security, education, etc.

    • the dismantlement of the international right, the deep crisis of the United Nations and the definition of new relations between States, heavily marked by the United States unilateralism.

  • The “post-war”: how does the situation change when the sense of emergency, which moves us in periods of fighting war diminishes, or is transferred to other difficult places; how does it change for us, who during an emergency direct our efforts toward the material aid, and for those who keep living in the places and societies upset by the conflict (see, for instance, the cases of Afghanistan and the Balkans).

  • Fundamentalisms operating in the different areas of the world:

    • religious and cultural ones, as the Islamic or the Catholic ones;

    • military and national ones, in the various forms in which they express themselves;

    • the ruling western one, which, in the name of security, imposes war, the closure of borders to the outside, denies access and reception to migrants, driven toward Europe by injustice, misery and conflicts; determines, inside, the cancelling of rights, the reduction of democratic spaces, the repressive control of deviations and dissent, in a logic of a material and also mental militarization of an increasingly masculine and macho nature.

Reading key of all this:
what is the women’s politics on each of these subjects? With which perspectives?


Site Last Updated: February 13, 2003 -for site information

Women in Black