Croatian Relief Services

St. John The Baptist Croatian Mission Center
239 Anderson Avenue
Fairview, New Jersey 07022

Save The People Of Kosovo

When the war started in former Yugoslavia in 1991, the Croatian Relief Services recognized in Croatia and United States as a tax deductible and non profit organization, has sent over 500 ship-containers of food, clothing, medicine and medical supplies to many parts of Croatia and Bosnia. We believe that we have saved thousands of lives who were the victims of ethnic cleansing, especially the lives of children who lost their parents in this brutal conflict. This Christian Relief has opened its heart to all victims who were in need of help. Our motto as Christians is to help the people of need by recognizing the presence of Jesus in them.

At the present time the war is raging again in another province of former Yugoslavia. This province is called Kosovo. According to recent television reports there are over 300.000 ethnic Albanians expelled from their homes and driven into the rugged mountains, left there at the mercy of God as the ethnic cleansing, which previously took place in Croatia and Bosnia, continues. According to recent media reports, the Serb army and police continue to map up villages in that province expelling civilians of Albanian descent and driving them into the rugged mountains where they will face bitter cold and starvation.

Again, we at the Croatian Relief Center cannot stay idle. We want to help these innocent people, especially cliildren. God will be our judge, if we do not save lives of these innocent civilians of Albanian descent. At the present time we need used clothing, non perishable food, medicine and funds to house the refugees and prevent them from the cold in the coming winter months. If we do not help them they will not survive the harsh winter months ahead of them.

I am writing this letter to you with the hope that you would open your heart and help us build Mother Theresa shelter for the innocent children of this brutal ethnic cleansing. These children are without parents. Their parents have been killed and they are at the mercy of others. Mother Theresa of Calcutta was from an Albanian descent born in former Yugoslavia. We feel that she is the protector of the suffering Albanians of Kosovo. In her memory we want to build a shelter which we will call Mother Theresa's Spiritual Center for the victims of war. In this center the innocent children will find comfort, security and protection. We will start with the modest facility and will continue with additions as the donations come to us, but first, let us help thousands of refugees who are left at the mercy of others. All donations are tax-deductible and the enclosed form is the stretched hand of the suffering people to you for help. We will appreciate very much a sacrificial donation for we know that God will bless the cheerful giver.

I pray that you wili open your heart to these people and our appeal for help. They have you and if you do not help theti no one else will. In the words of Mother Theresa may I say again: "Let us do something beautiful for God".

Rev. Giordano Belanich

If you want to help us with our work we encourage you to print this page and mail it with your donation to:
Croatian Relief Services, Inc.
239 Anderson Avenue
Fairview. N.J. 07022

Dear Father Belanich,

We are happy to enclose this donation for your fine work (check appropriate item):

We are donating the following amount:

$ or $

Please remember my intentions:

Fr. Belanich has been appointed by Croatian Bishop's Conference to seek responses that will assist in the rebuilding and repairing of the Wounded Church in Croatia: over 1400 Catholic Churches were deliberately destroyed in this war and are in need of repair so that faithful may worship in them.

Among many charities which we have served, our outstanding desire is to build Mother Theresa's Children's Spiritual Center. It will serve as an orphanage but with the emphasis on healing the hurtful children of this brutal war. We have obtained the property for this sight on the Northern Adriatic Island of Ilovik. The property is there, the permission has been given by the local government and church authorities, but we are in need of funds to begin construction for this much needed complex. This center will serve the children of all ethnic backgrounds who were effected by the war in Croatia and Bosnia and those who lost their arms and legs because of the mines left behind. Our priority is to serve the Suffering Christ in those who are afflicted. We are all His body in need of healing from past wounds.

Croatian Relief Services has a unique God-Parenthood-Program. We find sponsors in U.S. who are willing to donate to a needy child $ 50 a month. The God-Parent or the Sponsor receives a picture of the Child and is able to correspond with the sponsored child. The donation of $ 50 goes directly to the child each month.

Through our Family Center in Zagreb, Croatia we are helping the refugees and children in Kosovo. Kosovo is a province of former Yugoslavia where war is blazing these days and ethnic cleansing continues as it was done in Croatia and Bosnia. We accept donations, pledges, used or new clothing, non-expired medicine, medical supplies, toiletries, non-perishable food, gifts for a needy child for Christmas, furniture, building material, hospital beds, canned foods, diapers, baby food, new or used cars, vans, flash lights, wooden stoves, gas stoves, garden equipment, tractors, kitchen utensils, cooking pots, etc.

You can help by sending your donations whenever you can. You can also select one child or help the most needed child whenever you can afford any donation. We accept any donation whatever one can afford. We are presently taking pledges to build Mother Theresa's Orphanage. You can also send a donation to purchase the food for the needy or to help us defray shipping expenses.
