Thanks to everybody for generous support. Nusreta is back in her apartment.
Nusreta Sivac, the judge featured in Calling The Ghosts, who continues to
this very day to testify at the ICTY, was forced to buy her apartment back from the very powers that first expelled her. [view one hour Calling The Ghosts documentary].
Most recently Nusreta went back to Omarska. Her experience was featured in
the attached article in last weekend's Independent, London.
Although she testified against her tormentor, the Omarska camp commander, Zeljko Mejakic, at The Hague tribunal many years ago, not only is he still at large, but, also, US ambassador for war crimes issues, Pierre-Richard Prosper, during his latest Balkans tour, hinted that Washington was not especially, if at all, interested in bringing him to justice, agreeing to leave local courts to try his case.
As Bosnia's High Representative urged refugees and displaced to return back to their homes, Nusreta decided to move back to her home town, Prijedor. For her to live in her same house before it was annexed, meant that she had to buy back her apartment for $3000 (three thousand dollars).
She was due with her answer to that "kind offer" at the beginning of 2003. So, we decided to send money to Nusreta. On January 7, we forwarded first money to her via Western Union.
As of May 23 we closed Nusreta Fund account receiving $3655, of which Nusreta received $3500, with the rest being gobbled up by Western Union's fees. Thank you all, again.
All donations were tax-exempt in the United States, payable to Raccoon, a non profit NGO for the refugee community in Queens.
For more information about this action visit Calling The Ghosts documentary site and the Domovina Net Web Site.
You can also view the entire documentary over the internet by clicking
On behalf of Nusreta we thank you most sincerely.
Love to each of you,
Karmen and Mandy
For further questions, Karmen can be reached at 917 438 9327 and Mandy on
917 371 5862.