And we do have a problem here: the incumbent government of Slobodan Milosevic does not want to leave office. Traditionally for Slobo, he behaves as if nothing happened (check the Elephant joke at the end of this article), calmly preparing his victory (due to the legitimate boycott by the president-elect) in the second round of elections.
What would happen if George Bush didn't want to leave the White
House in 1992, when he lost to Clinton? I am sure the U.S.
Constitution has provisions for such unlikely situations. The
Congress would take charge and 'organs of repression' would
remove the embarrassing incumbent from the premises. But in
Serbia, we are witnessing the first democratic elections and the
formalities of transferring power are not yet worked out in such an
orderly fashion. The police and army are still insecure about their
loyalties - for centuries the national interests were narrowly
identified with the will of the absolute leader - the king, the
communist party general secretary, the president, and as long as
that absolute leader is alive and in good health, the 'organs of
repression' were supposed to be loyal to him.
In democracy that rule changes. They are supposed to be loyal to the country and its elected leadership, which changes periodically with elections. We will see now if the police and army in Serbia will pass that crucial test in transition of any country from the rule of man to the rule of law. Kostunica, being a law PhD, knows that well, perhaps much better than me, and in his historic speech he already called the army and the police to show their loyalty to their nation instead of to one man and his family.
The other thing that changes in democracy is what happens to a deposed leader - while in a non-democratic society he gets imprisoned or slaughtered, sometimes together with his kin, in a democracy he gets back to his home, opens a law practice or write memoirs. The fate of Slobodan Milosevic is however more complicated since he is an indicted war criminal wanted by the ICTY in The Hague. Therefore, nobody expects he shall step down without putting up a fight.
Recently we witnessed a series of creative, hilarious and
outrageous ideas and actions on that front. Milosevic's wife Mira
traveled to Moscow, perhaps trying to arrange for her family to
come there, but after not being let into Kremlin, she suffered a mild
nervous breakdown and returned home. Russians don't see future in
Milosevic any more. Hardly anybody does. Putin would be most comfortable
with Milosevic as a prime minister of Yugoslavia, at least more
comfortable than with Milosevic as an exile in Russia, the idea suggested
by the German diplomats, and hoped for by Mira, obviously. But Serbian
people would not be comfortable with Milosevic as a prime minister -
that's something that SPS/JUL would like to negotiate down with DOS -
Kostunica as a figure-head president and Milosevic as power-wielding prime
minister - that was in the works from the beginning - Kostunica should and
would not accept that. The more amusing is a prospect of Milosevic as an
ambassador to China - a sarcastic suggestion by David Owens - to join his
son Marko. This actually, is not as crazy as it sounds. Milosevic would
get protected from the ICTY by the diplomat office, and by the country who
supports his family. Serbs would get rid of him and he'd be far enough so
he can't stir up any trouble - this is an old-fashioned way of getting rid
of political opponents in a civilized manner: send them as ambassadors to
the opposite side of the planet. It is questionable however would China go
through trouble with the US over accepting such a deal, because the US
does not give up the demand that Milosevic has to eventually end up in The
Therefore, the situation is rather grim. The prospects of at least
temporary violence in Serbia next month are high. And Milosevic
will ultimately end up in house arrest in Serbia before Christmas.
Kostunica, true to his word, will not send him to The Hague
immediately - I guess Serbs will have to settle their claims against
him first, so the negotiations about his extradition will probably
come up later, when his image is going to be tarnished enough
among ordinary Serbs, so that the extradition goes unopposed. But
since this must be obvious to Milosevic family, they can't be
expected not to fight. Unfortunately, no democratic government in
the world came about bloodlessly (check out the American and the
French revolution...). I don't think NATO intervention would be
sought or needed, however, since I expect that more (about 3:1) of
the police and army will support Kostunica in the upcoming fight.
Yeltsin, Clinton and Milosevic were entrusted to keep a white elephant. And each night one of them had to stay home to keep an eye on the critter. First night Boris stayed and Bill and Slobo went out. When they hailed back passing the bottle of scotch, they found Boris and the elephant both knocked down by vodka. Next day it was Bill’s turn to stay home and when Boris and Slobo were carried in by their aides after a drunken night, Bill, Monica and the elephant dozed off in a pipe dream with the elephant’s snout still in the cigar’s place. Third day Boris and Bill went out, while Slobo stayed home. At around 2 am, they returned, in a quite happy mood, and Slobo was still up, watching CNN. There was no elephant, though. So, Bill asked: "Where is the elephant, Slobo?", and Slobo replied, calmly with some hint of surprise, but generally forgiving, assuming that Bill is drunk - "What elephant?"
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