Poor get the crumbs

This is Discount Food and Liquidation store in the Rutland North-West neighborhood, the home of the food past its best if used by date. It is not necessarily poisonous and it is certainly not illegal, unless for baby formula, to sell food past its expiration date. But buyers should beware, because this is not only the bad tasting food, but there are inherent health risks involved, and if one experience ill effects, they should not shy from seeking legal help.

Food, that is discarded by stores in wealthier neighborhoods as not good enough for the palates of their patrons, is brought to poor neighborhoods and sold to the brutes dwelling there. Attention shoppers! It would be much better use of your EBT cards to go to the Vermont Farmers Market two blocks South and buy fresh, locally grown food there. Not only the food is healthier, but you also get free $10 of crop cash that you can use for buying groceries, basically lowering your expense to the level of the Discount Food store, while you are getting a better product.

Furthermore, by shopping at the Discount Food store, instead of helping grow the local economy, you are only stuffing the coffers of out-of-state investors, the same people that own everything in this Killington Valley of Tears - from the ski resort and upscale lodgings, to poor tenements and discarded food stores. Making them even wealthier does not serve you and your neighborhood well. They are only interested in the cheap labor they can extract from you under duress. You should not patronize their businesses. They are in the business of liquidation.