Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA), Maryland
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
American Friends Service Committee, Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
American Red Cross International Response Fund, District of Columbia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Chicago, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—New Jersey
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Tucson, Arizona
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Ann Arbor Committee for Bosnia, Michigan
Balkan Children in Exile, New York
Baptist World Alliance, Virginia
FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, Wisconsin
Benevolence International Foundation, Illinois
Dan Besse, North Carolina
Bicycles to Bosnia, Texas
The Birmingham Bosnia Task Force, Alabama
Bosnia Advocates of Metrowest (BAM), Massachusetts
Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, New Hampshire
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, Virginia
Bosnia Briefings, California
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, New York
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bosnia Humanitarian Aid, California
Bosnia Relief Committee, Wisconsin
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Bosnian-American Cultural Association, Arizona
Bosnian Information Services, Arizona
Bosnian International Community, Colorado
Bosnian Manuscripts Ingathering Project, Massachusetts
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
Bowery Productions, New York
Brother’s Brother Foundation, Pennsylvania
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Children in Crisis International, New York
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
The Community of Bosnia Foundation, Pennsylvania
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Connecticut Citizens Against Genocide, Connecticut
Convoy Bosnia, California
Delaware Coalition for Bosnia, Delaware
Direct Relief International, California
Doctors Without Borders USA, New York
Drew University Students Against Genocide, New Jersey
Emergency Medical Response Agency, Virginia
Equality Now, New York
Foundation for a Civil Society, New York
Food For the Hungry, Arizona
Foundation for a Compassionate Society, Texas
Franciscan Fathers—Save the Children of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
Free Bosnia Action Group, New York
Friends of Bosnia, Massachusetts
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Global Action Project, New York
Global Children’s Organization—California Contact
The Global University for Rebuilding Bosnia, Alabama
Globalvision, New York
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Heifer Project International, Arkansas
Humanity International, District of Columbia
Illinois Committee to Save Bosnia, Illinois
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, New York
International Aid, Michigan
International Catholic Migration Commission, District of Columbia
International Medical Corps, California
International Medical Relief of Western New York
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
International Rescue Committee, New York
Internews Network, California
Island Bosnian Relief, Washington State
Jerrahi Order of America, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
JournalShare Bosnia Project, Virginia
Knitting Project of the Women’s Commission, Massachusetts
Lifeline Network for Peace, Virginia
Lutheran World Relief, New York
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, New York
MAP International, Georgia
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
Mercy International-USA, Michigan
Miles to Go, California
Ministry Resource Network, Georgia
Muslim Americans Voter Association, California
Napredak On-Line, Illinois
National Organization for Victim Assistance, District of Columbia
New England Bosnian Relief Committee, Massachusetts
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Operation USA, California
PeaceWorks, South Carolina
Powerful Choices, Washington
Project Bosnia, Massachusetts
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
RES-Q, Washington State
Sabre Foundation, Inc., Massachusetts
The Sarajevo Fund, Inc, New York
Sarajevo News Network, Michigan
Sarajevo Pony Express/Servis za Pisma Refugee Mail, Massachusetts
Sarajevo Project, Florida
Save the Children, Connecticut
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
SESTRA International, Illinois
7 Stages: The Survivor Arts Project, Georgia
Similar Spaces, Distant Places, Ohio
Solidarity Project of St. Lawrence University, New York
Southern Illinois Committee for Bosnia, Illinois
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
St. Louis Bosnian Student Project, Missouri
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Texans for Peace, Texas
Thurston County Citizens for Bosnia, Washington State
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
Utahns for Bosnia, Utah
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
World Vision, Washington State
World Vision International, District of Columbia
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
Balkan Children in Exile, New York
Balkan Theater Project, New York
Bicycles to Bosnia, Texas
Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, New Hampshire
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, Virginia
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
Children in Crisis International, New York
Children of War Rescue Project, Maine
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Doctors of the World, New York
Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief, New York
Food For the Hungry, Arizona
Foundation for a Compassionate Society, Texas
Franciscan Fathers—Save the Children of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
Global Action Project, New York
Global Children’s Organization—California Contact
Global Children’s Organization, Hawaii
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
International Medical Corps, California
International Rescue Committee, New York
Islamic African Relief Agency, Missouri
Lifeline Network for Peace, Virginia
Miles to Go, California
PeaceWorks, South Carolina
Project Bosnia, Massachusetts
RES-Q, Washington State
Save the Children, Connecticut
Similar Spaces, Distant Places, Ohio
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
St. Louis Bosnian Student Project, Missouri
Texans for Peace, Texas
Thurston County Citizens for Bosnia, Washington State
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
ABA Central and East European Law Initiative (CEELI), District of Columbia
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, Wisconsin
Ed Agro, Massachusetts
American Friends Service Committee, Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
Balkan War Resource Group, New York
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bosnian International Community, Colorado
Croatian Internet Network, California
Faces of Sorrow, New York
Friends of B-92, New York
Humanity International, District of Columbia
Napredak On-Line, Illinois
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
People Finder Service, Florida
Project Bosnia, Massachusetts
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
Sabre Foundation, Inc, Massachusetts
Ivo Skoric, New York
Solidarity Project of St. Lawrence University, New York
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
Texans for Peace, Texas
Tribunal Watch, New York
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
ARS Publica, New Mexico ARS Publica
Balkan Dialogue Project, New York
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia, c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
Balkan Theater Project, New York
Bosnian Student Project, New York
The Carter Center, Georgia
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for Strategic and International Studies Project, District of Columbia
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, Massachusetts
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, New York
Church World Service, Indiana
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Foundation for a Civil Society, New York
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Ministry Resource Network, Georgia
Bojana Mladenovic, Illinois
The Organization Development Institute, Ohio
Gerald Shenk, Virginia
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Chicago Office, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—New Jersey
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Tucson, Arizona
American Friends Service Committee Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, District of Columbia
Balkan Children in Exile, New York
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Balkans Trauma Project, New York
Baptist World Alliance, Virginia
Benevolence International Foundation, Illinois
Brother’s Brother Foundation, Pennsylvania
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Croatian Internet Network, California
Desa Dubrovnik, New York
Direct Relief International, California
Global Action Project, New York
Global Children’s Organization—California Contact
Global Children’s Organization, Hawaii
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
International Catholic Migration Commission, District of Columbia
International Medical Relief of Western New York
International Rescue Committee, New York
Internews Network, California
Knitting Project of the Women’s Commission, Massachusetts
Lutheran World Relief, New York
MAP International, Georgia
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Operation USA, California
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
Save the Children, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
7 Stages: The Survivor Arts Project, Georgia
Ivo Skoric, New York
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
Balkan Dialogue Project, New York
Balkan Theater Project, New York
Bosnian-American Cultural Association, Arizona
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
Croatian Internet Network, California
Sarajevo Pony Express/Servis za Pisma Refugee Mail, Massachusetts
Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA), Maryland
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
Balkan Initiatives, Inc., Massachusetts
The Birmingham Bosnia Task Force
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Delaware Coalition for Bosnia, Delaware
Desa Dubrovnik, New York
International Catholic Migration Commission, District of Columbia
Islamic African Relief Agency, Missouri
Knitting Project of the Women’s Commission, Massachusetts
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
Mercy International-USA, Michigan
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
World Vision, Washington State
World Vision International, District of Columbia
Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
Ed Agro, Massachusetts
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Chicago Office, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—New Jersey
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Tucson, Arizona
American Friends Service Committee, East-West Program, Pennsylvania
American Friends Service Committee,Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
The Balkan Archive, California
The Balkan Coordination Group-Amnesty International/USA, New York
Balkan Dialogue Project, New York
Balkan Initiatives, Inc, Massachusetts
The Balkan Institute, District of Columbia
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia, c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
Balkans Trauma Project, New York
Balkan War Resource Group, New York
Benevolence International Foundation, Illinois
Dan Besse, North Carolina
The Birmingham Bosnia Task Force, Alabama
Balkan Initiatives, Inc, Massachusetts
FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, Wisconsin
Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, New Hampshire
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, Virginia
Bosnia Briefings, California
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, New York
Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Bosnia Relief Committee, Wisconsin
Bosnian Information Services, Arizona
Bosnian International Community, Colorado
Bosnian Manuscripts Ingathering Project, Massacusetts
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Bowery Productions, New York
British American Security Information Council (BASIC), District of Columbia
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Center for Strategic and International Studies Project, District of Columbia
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, Massachusetts
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, New York
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Coalition for International Justice, District of Columbia
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Church World Service, Indiana
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
Committee to Protect Journalists, New York
The Community of Bosnia Foundation, Pennsylvania
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Connecticut Citizens Against Genocide, Connecticut
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Croatian Internet Network, California
Delaware Coalition for Bosnia, Delaware
Manuela Dobos, New York
Equality Now, New York
Faces of Sorrow, New York
Free Bosnia Action Group, New York
Friends of B-92, New York
Friends of Bosnia, Massachusetts
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
The Frosina Foundation, Massachusetts
Global Action Project, New York
The Global University for Rebuilding Bosnia, Alabama
Globalvision, New York
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Mary Haney, District of Columbia
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Human Rights Watch/ Helsinki, New York
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, New York
Internews Network, California
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
JournalShare Bosnia Project, Virginia
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Lifeline Network for Peace, Virginia
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, Inc, New York
Alice Mead, Maine
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Minnesota
Bojana Mladenovic, Illinois
Nashville Peace Action, Tennessee
Neither East Nor West, New York
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
New England Bosnian Relief Committee, Massachusetts
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
The Organization Development Institute, Ohio
Pacific Life Research Center, California
Peace Journey/Sarajevo Peace Centre, Oregon
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Project Bosnia, Massachusetts
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Psychologists for Social Responsibility, District of Columbia
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
Refugees International, District of Columbia
RES-Q, Washington State
Sabre Foundation, Inc., Massachusetts
Sarajevo Project, Florida
Save the Children, Connecticut
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
SESTRA International, Illinois
Gerald Shenk, Virginia
Ivo Skoric, New York
Solidarity Project of St. Lawrence University, New York
Southern Illinois Committee for Bosnia, Illinois
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
St. Louis Bosnian Student Project, Missouri
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Texans for Peace, Texas
Thurston County Citizens for Bosnia, Washington State
Tribunal Watch, New York
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
Utahns for Bosnia, Utah
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
WHACH: Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Clearing House, Florida
a group dedicated to non-violence/3 a group dedicated to non-violence, New York
a group dedicated to non-violence/ Portland, Oregon
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, Wisconsin
Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, New Hampshire
Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Fund, Virginia
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, Cornell University, New York
Bosnian International Community, Colorado
Bosnian Student Project, New York
The Community of Bosnia Foundation, Pennsylvania
International Medical Relief of Western New York
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
St. Louis Bosnian Student Project, Missouri
The Balkan Archive, California
Bosnia Briefings, California
Bowery Productions, New York
Friends of B-92, New York
Global Action Project, New York
Globalvision, New York
Internews Network, California
Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Bosnia Advocates of Metrowest (BAM), Massachusetts
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Connecticut Citizens Against Genocide, Connecticut
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, Inc., New York
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
Bosnia Relief Committee, Wisconsin
Bosnian-American Cultural Association, Arizona
Children in Crisis International, New York
Children of War Rescue Project, Maine
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Direct Relief International, California
Doctors of the World, New York
Doctors Without Borders USA, New York
Emergency Medical Response Agency, Virginia
Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief, New York
Foundation for a Compassionate Society, Texas
Humanity International, District of Columbia
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District Of Columbia
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
International Aid, Michigan
International Medical Corps, California
International Medical Relief of Western New York
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
International Rescue Committee, New York
Islamic African Relief Agency, Missouri
JournalShare Bosnia Project, Virginia
Lifeline Network for Peace, Virginia
MAP International, Georgia
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
Miles to Go, California
Operation USA, California
PeaceWorks, South Carolina
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Project Bosnia, Massachusetts
RES-Q, Washington State
The Sarajevo Fund, Inc., New York
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
American Bar Association/Central and East European Law Initiative, District of Columbia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
American Friends Service Committee East-West Program, Pennsylvania
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Chicago Office, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--New Jersey
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Tucson, Arizona
The Balkan Archive, California
The Balkan Coordination Group-Amnesty International/USA, New York
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Bowery Productions, New York
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Coalition for International Justice, District of Columbia
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
The Community of Bosnia Foundation, Pennsylvania
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Equality Now, New York
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Globalvision, New York
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Human Rights Watch/ Helsinki, New York
Internews Network, California
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvannia
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Alice Mead, Maine
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Minnesota
Neither East Nor West, New York
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Peace Journey/Sarajevo Peace Centre, Oregon
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennyslvania
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Tribunal Watch, New York
a group dedicated to non-violence/3 a group dedicated to non-violence, New York
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
American Red Cross International Response Fund, District of Columbia
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--Chicago, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights--Tucson, Arizona
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, District of Columbia
Benevolence International Foundation, Illiniois
Bosnia Advocates of Metrowest (BAM), Massachusetts
Bosnian-American Cultural Association, Arizona
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bosnia Humanitarian Aid, California
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
CARE, Georgia
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Church World Service, Indiana
Convoy Bosnia, California
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Direct Relief International, California
Food For the Hungry, Arizona
Franciscan FathersÙSave the Children of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
Friends of Bosnia, Massachusetts
The Frosina Foundation, Massachusetts
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Heifer Project International, Arkansas
Humanity International, District of Columbia
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
International Medical Corps, California
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
MAP International, Georgia
Miles to Go, California
Ministry Resource Network, Georgia
Muslim Americans Voter Association, California
Operation USA, California
Sarajevo Project, Florida
Save the Children, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
WHACH: Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Clearing House, Florida
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
World Vision International, District of Columbia
ARS Publica, New Mexico
Balkan Dialogue Project, New York
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for Strategic and International Studies Project, District of Columbia
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Foundation for a Civil Society, New York
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
World Without War Council, Inc., California
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
American Friends Service Committee, Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Doctors of the World, New York
Alice Mead, Maine
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
MAP International, Georgia
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
American Bar Assn. and Central and East European Law Initiative, District of Columbia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Coalition for International Justice, District of Columbia
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
Tribunal Watch, New York
Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia, Pennsylvania
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, Massachusetts
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, New York
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Minnesota
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
7 Stages: The Survivor Arts Project, Georgia
The Balkan Archive, California
Balkan War Resource Group, New York
Bosnia Briefings, California
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bowery Productions, New York
British American Security Information Council (BASIC), District of Columbia
CARE, Georgia
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, Massachusetts
Center for War, Peace and the News Media, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Committee to Protect Journalists, New York
Croatian Internet Network, California
Friends of B-92, New York
Global Action Project, New York
Globalvision, New York
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, New York
Internews Network, California
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, Inc, New York
Neither East Nor West, New York
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
Ivo Skoric, New York
Solidarity Project of St. Lawrence University, New York
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
AICF/USA. International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
Balkan Theater Project, New York
Balkans Trauma Project, New York
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
CARE, Georgia
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Conflict Resolution Catalysts, Vermont
Doctors Without Borders USA, New York
Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief, New York
Global Children’s Organization—California Contact
Global Children’s Organization, Hawaii
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
International Medical Corps, California
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
International Rescue Committee, New York
Lifeline Network for Peace/, Virginia
Karen Malpede. Theater Three Collaborative, Inc, New York
Miles to Go, California
National Organization for Victim Assistance, District of Columbia
The Organization Development Institute, Ohio
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Psychologists for Social Responsibility, District of Columbia
The Sarajevo Fund, Inc, New York
Sarajevo Project, Florida
SESTRA International, Illinois
Save the Children, Connecticut
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
World Vision, Washington State
World Vision International, District of Columbia
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Ed Agro, Massachusetts
American Friends Service Committee, East-West Program, Philadelphia
American Friends Service Committee Yugoslav Relief Fund, Philadelphia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
Balkan Dialogue Project, New York
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Balkan Theater Project, New York
Balkan War Resource Group, New York
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, New York
Bosnian Student Project, New York
British American Security Information Council (BASIC), District of Columbia
Center for Strategic and International Studies Project, District of Columbia
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center. California
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Foundation for a Civil Society, New York
Foundation for a Compassionate Society, Texas
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Massachusetts
Lifeline Network for Peace, Virginia
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, Inc., New York
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Bojana Mladenovic, Illinois
Nashville Peace Action, Pennsylvania
Neither East Nor West, New York
Pacific Life Research Center, California
Peace Journey/Sarajevo Peace Centre, Oregon
Sarajevo Project, Florida
Gerald Shenk, Virginia
Ivo Skoric, New York
Texans for Peace, Texas
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
a group dedicated to non-violence/3 a group dedicated to non-violence, New York
a group dedicated to non-violence/ Portland, Oregon
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
Bowery Productions, New York
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Equality Now, New York
Mary Haney, District of Columbia
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
AICF/USA, International Action Against Hunger, District of Columbia
American Bar Assn/Central and East European Law Initiative, District of Columbia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, Wisconsin
Benevolence International Foundation, Illinois
The Birmingham Bosnia Task Force, Alabama
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, New York
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Bosnian International Community, Colorado
Bosnian Manuscripts Ingathering Project, Massachusetts
Brother’s Brother Foundation, Pennsylvania
CARE, Georgia
Catholic Relief Services, Maryland
Children in Crisis International, New York
Convoy Bosnia, California
Doctors Without Borders USA, New York
Foundation for a Civil Society, New York
The Global University for Rebuilding Bosnia, Alabama
Heifer Project International, Arkansas
Humanity International, District of Columbia
International Aid, Michigan
International Medical Relief of Western New York
International Rescue Committee, New York
Islamic African Relief Agency, Missouri
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
JournalShare Bosnia Project, Virginia
Lutheran World Relief, New York
Mercy Corps International, Oregon
Mercy International-USA, Michigan
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
Project Bosnia, Villanova University School of Law, Pennsylvania
RES-Q Global Relief, Washington State
Sabre Foundation, Inc., Massachusetts
The Sarajevo Fund, Inc., New York
Save the Children, Connecticut
Solidarity Project of St. Lawrence University, New York
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
WHACH: Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Clearing House, Florida
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
World Vision, Washington State
World Vision International, District of Columbia
Ed Agro, Massachusetts
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina
American Friends Service Committee, Yugoslav Relief Fund, New York
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, New York
American Red Cross International Response Fund, District of Columbia
American Refugee Committee, Minnesota
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, District of Columbia
Balkan Children in Exile, New York
Baptist World Alliance, Virginia
Benevolence International Foundation, Illinois
Bosnian-American Cultural Association, Arizona
Bosnia Home Page, California
Bosnia Relief Committee, Washington State
Bosnian Information Services, Arizona
Bosnian Student Project, New York
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
Brother’s Brother Foundation, Pennsylvania
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Children in Crisis International, New York
Church World Service, Indiana
Convoy Bosnia, California
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Desa Dubrovnik, New York
Doctors Without Borders USA, New York
Emergency Medical Response Agency, Virginia
Friends of Bosnia, Massachusetts
The Frosina Foundation, Massachusetts
Global Action Project, New York
Global Children’s Organization—California Contact
Global Children’s Organization, Hawaii
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, District of Columbia
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
International Rescue Committee, New York
Knitting Project of the Women’s Commission, Massachusetts
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Lutheran World Relief, New York
MAP International, Georgia
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Miles to Go, California
Muslim Americans Voter Association, California
New England Bosnian Relief Committee, Massachusetts
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
People Finder Service, Florida
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing, Illinois
Refugees International, District of Columbia
RES-Q Global Relief, Washington State
Sarajevo Pony Express/Servis za Pisma Refugee Mail, Massachusetts
SESTRA International, Illinois
St. Joseph Peace Mission, Kentucky
St. Louis Bosnian Student Project, Missouri
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Tucson Balkan Peace Support Group, Arizona
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York
U.S. Committee for Refugees, District of Columbia
WHACH: Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Clearing House, Florida
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
Center for Strategic and International Studies Project, District of Columbia
Church World Service, Indiana
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Ministry Resource Network, Georgia
Nashville Peace Action, Tennessee
American Friends Service Committee East-West Program, Pennsylvania
Balkan Initiatives, Inc, Massachusetts
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Human Rights Watch/ Helsinki, New York
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
American Friends Service Committee Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Baptist World Alliance, Virginia
Direct Relief International, California
Friends of B-92, New York
International Orthodox Christian Charities, Maryland
International Rescue Committee, New York
Internews Network, California
Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office, Pennsylvania
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
7 Stages: The Survivor Arts Project, Georgia
a group dedicated to non-violence/3 a group dedicated to non-violence, New York
a group dedicated to non-violence/ Portland, Oregon
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
Amnesty International/USA-The Balkan Coordination Group, New York
Balkan Peace Team, New York
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Amnesty International/USA-The Balkan Coordination Group, New York
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
The Balkan Institute, District of Columbia
Bosnia Briefings, California
Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
British American Security Information Council (BASIC), District of Columbia
The Carter Center, Georgia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Free Bosnia Action Group, New York
Mary Haney, District of Columbia
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Human Rights Watch/ Helsinki, New York
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, New York
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Refugees International, District of Columbia
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Tribunal Watch, New York
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, District of Columbia
Alliance of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illinois
American Friends Service Committee East-West Program, Pennsylvania
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Charleston, South Carolina
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Chicago Office, Illinois
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Main Office, Phoenix, Arizona
Americans for Bosnian Human Rights—Tucson, Arizona
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Amnesty International/USA-The Balkan Coordination Group, New York
The Balkan Institute, District of Columbia
Dan Besse, North Carolina
Bosnia Advocates of Metrowest (BAM), Massachusetts
Bosnia Briefings, California
The Bosnia Coordinating Committee, New York
Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
British American Security Information Council (BASIC), District of Columbia
The Carter Center, Georgia
Center for Civil Society in Southeastern Europe, District of Columbia
Center on Violence and Human Survival, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Church World Service, Indiana
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Committee for MultiEthnic Bosnia, Washington State
Connecticut Citizens Against Genocide, Connecticut
Manuela Dobos, New York
Free Bosnia Action Group, New York
Friends of Bosnia, Massachusetts
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Helsinki Citizens Assembly/USA, New York
Human Rights Watch/ Helsinki, New York
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Alice Mead, Maine
Muslim Americans Voter Association, California
Nashville Peace Action, Tennessee
Neither East Nor West, New York
Pacific Life Research Center, California
Peace Journey/Sarajevo Peace Centre, Oregon
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Refugees International, District of Columbia
Search for Common Ground, District of Columbia
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
U.S. Institute of Peace, District of Columbia
Utahns for Bosnia, Utah
World Without War Council, Inc., California
World Without War Council-Midwest Office, Illinois
Neither East Nor West, New York
Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network, New York
World Relief Corporation, Illinois
Amnesty International/USA-The Balkan Coordination Group, New York
American University Bosnia Support Committee, District of Columbia
Bosnia Advocates of Metrowest (BAM), Massachusetts
Bosnian Manuscripts Ingathering Project, Massachusetts
Bowery Productions, New York
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Coalition for International Justice, District of Columbia
Coalition for Intervention Against Genocide, New York
Manuela Dobos, New York
Equality Now, New York
Friends of Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Globalvision, New York
Greenwich Coalition for Peace in Bosnia, Connecticut
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, New York
International War Crimes Investigations and Research Service, New Jersey
Internews Network, California
Jews Against Genocide/NY Committee to Save Bosnia, New York
Jews Against Genocide in Bosnia, Pennsylvania
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York
Physicians for Human Rights, Massachusetts
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Tribunal Watch, New York
Utahns for Bosnia, Utah
American Friends Service Committee East-West Program, Pennsylvania
American Friends Service Committee Yugoslav Relief Fund, Pennsylvania
Amnesty International/USA-The Balkan Coordination Group, New York
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, District of Columbia
ARS Publica, New Mexico
Balkan Initiatives, Inc., Massachusetts
Balkans Peace Centre in Macedonia c/o Ted Herman, Pennsylvania
Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing, Massachusetts
Bowery Productions, New York
CARE, Georgia
Center for Constitutional Rights, New York
Chico Peace & Justice Center, California
Children in Crisis International, New York
Crabgrass-Working for Social Change, California
Desa Dubrovnik, New York
Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief, New York
Equality Now, New York
Mary Haney, District of Columbia
International Catholic Migration Commission, District of Columbia
Knitting Project of the Women’s Commission, Massachusetts
Lifeline Network for Peace. Virginia
Karen Malpede, Theater Three Collaborative, Inc., New York
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Minnesota
Bojana Mladenovic, Illinois
Neither East Nor West, New York
Network of East West Women, District of Columbia
Peace Journey/Sarajevo Peace Centre, Oregon
Powerful Choices, Washington State
Rape/Genocide Law Project, Connecticut
SESTRA International, Illinois
STAR Project (Delphi STAR Project), District of Columbia
Students Against Genocide (SAGE), California
Women for Women in Bosnia, District of Columbia
a group dedicated to non-violence/3 a group dedicated to non-violence, New York
a group dedicated to non-violence/ Portland, Oregon
Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, New York
World Relief Corporation. Illinois