Peace Network in the War Zone

Links to Activist Groups

Just because ZTN eventually disintegrated as a trans-border communications tool does not mean that the work of connecting antiwar activists in the Balkans has stopped. Quite the contrary; indeed, ZTN should be looked upon as one stage in a process of enlisting new computer-mediated communications tools in progressive Balkans activism.  The direct descendent of the ZTN/Peacenet/MediaFilter conference/mailing list/web site "zamir chat" is the web-enabled mailing list zamir-chat-list. We hope to inform webmasters and users in the Balkans as well as in countries outside of former Yugoslavia, of the existence of the new chat, and encourage conversation directed to practical initiatives for social change. If you read the old Sarajevo Pipeline / Zamir Chat for this purpose, we invite you to visit this new incarnation, and see if you can use it to promote and gain support for your projects.

There are many other mailing lists of interest to social-change workers and to those interested in developments in the balkans. There are so many, in fact, that it would be difficult to list them all here. Probably the best way of finding a list that matches your interests is to post a request to zamir-chat-list mentioned above. Another good list in which to begin your search for fellow activists is Mostovi (Bridges). Information about Mostovi is on Borut Maricic's site, While the main language used on Mostovi is b/h/s (what the readers of the list like to call Croerbian), English is also welcome and read by a number of the participants and by the Mostovi Council which manages the list.

A newsgroup-linked conference - The ZTN conference yugo.antiwar, an active meeting place during the wars in Bosnia and Croatia, and still posted to by members of the Antiwar Campaign Croatia and other Croatian groups, is now available through your newsreader. Open the News Host (see next section for help) and use "yugo" (without the quotes when asked for a user ID and password. Or you can go to the newsgroup links at Hope on the Balkans and read yugo.antiwar there. English is the main language on yugo.antiwar, with Serbocroatian also used.

Websites - These are now the most common way to get a general picture of internet activity relating to the Balkans. For background on the region and its troubles, three sites of particular interest are domovina, concerned with Bosnia, and two sites concerned with former Yugoslavia in general, Hope on the Balkans and  balkansnet. The Balkans Desk cooperates with the webmasters of these sites to keep them as up-to-date as possible.

To learn about or connect up with groups actively aiding the people of Bosnia and Kosovo, see the Friends of Bosnia site.

Many other sites may be found linked within the above three, or by a standard internet search. New sites appear regularly, which is probably a good thing, as many webmasters make no provision for updating, so that the web is littered with out-of-date information. Another thing to take note of is that web sites usually expound one or another strongly-held view, and it's a good idea to take the time to visit sites with a variety of viewpoints before settling on those from which to get your information. Some sites provide useful links, and include divergent information, while others are basically outlets for one view.

Note: if you know of a list or newsgroup that you would like us to include here, please send us an email. Our work will be easier if you include some explanatory text about your suggested list or newsgroup.

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last revised 2 Apr 2001 / email contact updated 15 June 2010