Either Americans or Russians should command the force, then. But are they ready to accept each other's command? No. The illusion that cold war ended may break over Bosnia. Few events however show the way: Russia behaves uncivilized, kind of barbaric, in Chechenya, and nobody seems much to bother; World Bank actually endorses a 6 billion dollars loan program to Russia...
America might want to buy the command of joint Bosnia task force. This is a typical American way of doing things. So, we'd have American officers and Russian and American (preferably minorities) foot soldiers, and Russian military is going to get paid off. They desperately need money, which Russian economy can't provide. The only problem is that American economy can't provide that money, either. But isn't it so American to buy things with money that you don't have? The U.S. will do some fund-raising in Western Europe, which is kind of paralyzed with never-ending war in Bosnia, so close to home, and which is scared to death of hungry Russian army and all the Plutonium they have. I guess if Germans don't agree immediately to foot the bill, there will be some more Plutonium discovered on Frankfurt airport.
This is the American way of doing peacekeeping that would I believe actually be acceptable to Congress: Russians risk their lives, Germans pay for that, and Americans keep the command. Victor's spoils.
Yesterday I was at Halloween bash at the Croatian Center. Croatian Center in New York is
adjunct to the Croatian Catholic church (near Port Authority) which is maintained by
franciscans. Huge Roseland-ish barren dance hall with prevailing grey and franciscan
dark brown colors, a huge Croatian coat of arms chandelier and frescos of Croatian (and
Bosnian) cities that ador the walls, was decorated with paper scelethons and other Halooween
paraphernalia, and my friend Boris appeared in full drag wining the third costume prize.
Obviously our priest skipped all the upheaval in the news about Halloween being proclaimed a
Satanic holiday by some Christians. I guess we could safely invoke Satan there. The Center is
also a place of freedom from certain restrictive laws for younger kids. Who would ever think
that the church would have to resort to cheap beer to keep the community from dissipating
the American mainstream? Yet, secretive are the ways of our Lord.
Controversial songs and gestures however always produce upsetting situations. And now with
Croatia winning the war "over there", a lot of people here started to believe that
rite of passage
is stupid, needless, useless, ultimately harmful for "the cause". This antagonism
just fuels the kids rebellion - because after all for a teenager this is a kind of rebellion
"the system" without an ulterior motive. This creates an absurd situation in which
cool kids
will fight to protect what they believe is their right to perform basically a disgusting ritual
reverse example of the "message from the messenger dividing" from the
At one point around 2 am some pushing started on the edge of the dance area, then a punch
flew and one guy was suddenly lying on the floor, and the "all-out war" broke out,
resulted in dozens of bloody heads and some damaged property. I felt weird, surreal,
in the middle of that fight, like in the eye of tornado. Nobody touched me. I guess those
hours in the gym paid off. Nobody also seemed to have a grsp of the reason why the fight
brought up. More they fought by inertia, you know, situation is heated, you say a wrong
word, you get hit, then you have to punch back, and then your friends and his friends get
involved and somebody fall on the floor and then the rest of the crowd gets involved to kick
the shit out of him (this particularly cute habit has its own term in
"cipelariti" - which means to kick somebody with your boots while he is lying on
the floor; our
language is full of very specific language to describe various fighting practices, God knows
The fight went on and off for about twenty minutes. Then finally adrenaline levels dropped
and everybody calmed down. The original perpetrators disappeared (they got more bloodied,
too). So, I went around to talk to kids who seemed to be the target of the original attack.
oldest was born in 1973. The one who got kicked first, Vanja, is a tall, lanky, kind of guy
you'd not be afraid to hit. He thought I was on their side. Good for me. It seems that
side thought the same. So, I asked him what precisely was "his side", because I
find hard to
be on somebody's side if I don't know either who he is or which side is he on. He was the
"ustasha" side, he said. Fantastic: here I have a regular American high school kid
with his
baseball cap turned backwards, baggy pants, zits, and all, slurring through
Croatian language, still hyped-up that he was the first guy to get hit, and he is an
So, what were the other guys? "Chetnicks", he said. But they weren't. They were
too. But they were the ones who started the fight. I told him that I was not exactly on his
side, but I didn't get hit.
Vanja's friend, in process of tending to his fresh head bump, said that fight was over
"ustashtvo", too. Another of his friends said that the other guys stepped on
Croatian flag (I
didn't have another side available at that point to cross-check, and I did not witness
on flag event). Finally I could see the core of the attacked group of kids. The actually fared
better than attackers. Two punks, judging by haircut and dresscode, one guy with a joker
and heavy make-up and few other kids. They were calmed and consoled by Hrvoje and Kreso
and few other a little older guys there. The older guys actually tried to stop the fight and
to reason, but it simply did not work until the fighters exhausted their hormonal high. More
interesting, girls fought, too. Trying to get their boyfriends out of the frying pan.
Hrvoje and Kreso did not fight. Which is highly unusual, particularly for Kreso, widely
known to fight all the time and who even got in the fight on my birthday party. He
put his nature to "good" use by joining the Croatian Army. Now with the war
over, he is back
and he just put through the post-trauma disorder stuff, he got himself a beautiful wife and
seems to be much more tempered, now. He was never really a bad guy. Kind of raw and
rowdy, though. Girlfriends of my girlfriend, p.c. Barnard college graduates, despised him, I
remember. So, he found his wife in Croatia: actually in Zagreb few blocks away from the
place where I lived when I went to college and worked on Radio 101 there.
Tanja is beautiful and two years younger than my younger brother. She said that she was
relieved that she found Kreso. I bet. Green card and stuff, huh? But not only that. Kreso,
who might be mucho macho for American college standards, is well bellow obnoxious
machismo of contemporary post-war Croatia. She said that all of the cool guys of her
generation from our city (Zagreb) either left the country or died (or lost a leg or something)
the war, and that all of the Zagreb downtown clubs are crowded by irritating guys, so-called
refugees from Hercegovina, who somehow escaped the war while boys from Zagreb and Split
were dying to liberate their villages, who have plenty of money from their relatives working
the Germany and in the U.S., and who behave, in her words, "primitive" and
Also, there are no more fistfights. They all carry guns. Zagreb kids are sometimes afraid to
go out at night in their own clubs in their own capital city of their own free, independent
sovereign country, she said. My friend Sasa, just called me from Croatia a minute ago and
confirmed that Hercegovci-bashing is talk of the city in Zagreb. He also said that they
dominate the Zagreb's main square (Trg Bana Jelacica), while "real" Zagrebans
meat at the
south-west corner known as "Spica", which was a place where usually Dalmatians
from Split
would hang-out before the war. There are no more Dalmatians, now.
Curiously, there was a group of Bosnians at the party. Kids from Sarajevo. Muslims by
names. Fortunately, nobody pointed to them when the fight brought up, and they did not
Good for the bad guys. Ibrahim, who came to the U.S. with his sister, still did not hear of
parents who were lost somewhere in the ethnic cleansing. He played waterpolo for his
high-school and won a second place in sit-ups championship in Queens, being the only white
kid in
the first fifty. They figured out correctly that, since Bosnia and Croatia are now a
con-federation, and since Croatian Center carries frescos of Sarajevo and Mostar (with the bridge,
of course) on its walls, it is their center, too.There is something that Croats and Irish have in
common: no party is a good party if it doesn't
end in a good, though senseless, fistfight. Probably, this is the way how we get rid of excess
calories accumulated by too much beer. D.J. and the local wedding band kept music upbeat
and contemporary until around midnight. Then they played some songs of Croatian rock
bands, and then, inavoidably, they played some Croatian nationaist folk songs (like "Evo
evo dana, evo Jure i Bobana"), knowledge of which is a kind of rite of passage to any
teenager in the U.S. Those with more "guts" would climb the stage and grab
Croatian flag
(which of course is at hand in a Croatian Center), or if they want to show how high their
testosterone levels really are they'll give a stiff-armed salute. This is bound to piss-off
elders, who try hard to rid Croatia of its Nazi-past image. But also this makes their elders
proud, because it confirms that kids are defiant, ready to do anything for "the
cause", that they
belong to "the cause". And kids sense that ambivalence. That's why I call this a
rite of
Later my friends took me to Village Idiot to get drunk the redneck way and forget the
embarassment of the stupid fight (I was really pissed). Village Idiot smells like the bottom of
the beer barrell, and its bartenders dressed in jeans and bras will spray you with Coca-Cola
other non-alcocholic beverage if you dare to order it. The beer is cheap, the setting is
(you know, the pool table, juke box and a pinball; odd chairs). Likeable. Pabst Blue Ribbon
beer is also available for connoisseurs of real white trash ambience. Boris had bigger breasts
than any of bartenders and they joked about it. Still he failed to extort free beer from
Andrew raved up the juke-box with some Merle Haggart. He told me to listen carefully the
words of "Okie from Muskogee". I was pleased to hear that American
entertainment industry
was able to produce something even worse than "Evo zore, evo dana". Then I had
to wait
forever for Andrew who wanted to pick up a bartender, which he failed. Well, better luck
next time.